Winter came late, but dang it's cold!
It usually starts to get pretty cold by the end of November, and snow usually picks up by that time and heavy snow starts by mid to late December - that is, at least, in my experience being here in Wisconsin the last eight years. I had a family photo shoot scheduled for December 10th last year, and I had to reschedule it because surprisingly there was no snow.
The snow came mid-January, and oh the boys are happy! Well, Ein is happy but I don't know about Hans. He does not like the rain or the cold, but ironically he loves swimming and the snow. Weird pup.
We had some good backyard play time. I was actually hoping to go for a walk at the trails this weekend. It's been very long since I last took my camera out. I haven't really been active lately, and I haven't taken any interesting images in the last many months. I know I've personally hit an emotional/mental slump that severely affected my motivation to really do anything. Unfortunately, well this weekend it a little tad bit too cold.
There's still another day in my day off, so perhaps I'd be able to visit some locations later to snag a few shots. I've been waiting for the ice shoves, but I'm not really sure if they'd even form nicely this year consider the odd cold-warm-cold-warm-intensely cold few months we've had. Here's me to hoping for some photography progress later! Now back to a little bit more SEO winging. ![]()
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