I have a little bit of catching up to do with some of my posts. I used to back date them, but then I find it moot because who's going to see those, right? I've decided to continue posting our trips that I have previously not, just to share them to y'all! It was off season and about this time of year - so here's some things to keep in mind!
Today, let's look back at our trip to Washington Island, WI from September 2023
This was actually my first time to go to this side of the state, and see Door County with my own eyes. I've seen a lot of fun and interesting things about Door County, but have never really gone there myself. Our trip To Washington Island had us ride through this beautiful place to our true destination.
To get there, you will have to take the Washington Island Ferry Line from the tip of Door County. There are also cruises that you can check out online from other companies if you do not wish to stay there too long and want a day tour and come back afterwards. You can also bring your vehicle. Of course, we brought the Harley - it's a road trip!
We kick off our camping this year at the Mirror Lake State Park, located in Baraboo, WI. It's pretty close to Devil's Lake and is also not that far from the Dells.
Our initial schedule to camp was last June at Copper Falls State Park, but due to the weather we had to cancel because it rained all week. Since we go to a different State Park each time (except for two exceptions - High Cliff and Devil's Lake), we were lucky to be able to secure this site. I always do our booking online on the Wisconsin Going to Camp Website.
A lot of things peak my interest but two of those that truly fascinate me are water and lights. I have always been drawn to the beauty of lights and bodies of water for as long as I can remember. Bokeh lights and beaches were something truly magical to me, and being on the beach on a starry night is a wonderful dream.
When I was young, my mom would always talk about the Northern Lights - and that it is something she had always wanted to see in person. I never really gave it much of a thought, I figured I lived in a tropical country so it's probably not something I will see in my lifetime. While lights do always make flies me into a deep state of daydreams, I suppose I never really imagines the true beauty of the Aurora. Not until I learned that I can finally see it from where I live...
For about a week or so, news of the high solar activity has been all over the place, especially on Facebook. I learned that the Northern Lights a.k.a. Aurora Borealis will be visible in Wisconsin. At first, I didn't really get into the hype but something inside me was telling me I have to see this!
I've always loved the white snow and how pretty it is, but I have to admit I am so very ready for summer. In contrary to a lot of folks, I don't really like spring of all the seasons. I like the thunderstorms and coziness, but it's wet and muddy, and my puppies bring all the chaos into the house. Well this time, I'm not so sure - March was ending and we got quite some snow.
The four seasons could be quite unpredictable - that's definitely something I learned when I moved here to the US. It's not really an unusual sight to get snow, or even a blizzard, well into spring.
If there's one thing we love doing, it's checking out new places to dine. I love experiencing different food, including local places and good spirits. This is also the part I enjoy most when we're travelling, but of course, experiencing good ol' Wisconsin is great!
Mr. Brews Taphouse is a Wisconsin franchise that started in Weston back in 2013. A few months ago, a branch opened up on Oshkosh Ave. and of course we have to try it. My husband is a beer enthusiast - that's one thing he takes seriously: finding great craft beer.
We've been talking about going there, so last week we finally did with our friend. They have a wide variety of beers and other drinks, some that you can get in store and some we haven't heard before.
Every year, Bear's paternal side holds a family gathering in Tomahawk, WI. It's a small town up north with a beautiful scenery. I wasn't able to save the high quality images, but here's a glimpse of Tomahawk in summer. And no, I didn't lose my drone this time.
Winter came late, but dang it's cold!
It usually starts to get pretty cold by the end of November, and snow usually picks up by that time and heavy snow starts by mid to late December - that is, at least, in my experience being here in Wisconsin the last eight years. I had a family photo shoot scheduled for December 10th last year, and I had to reschedule it because surprisingly there was no snow.
The snow came mid-January, and oh the boys are happy! Well, Ein is happy but I don't know about Hans. He does not like the rain or the cold, but ironically he loves swimming and the snow. Weird pup.
It's that most wonderful time of the year....
Merry Yule!
I definitely love this season, and this year we celebrated Yule as a family, away from home, in a small, cozy cabin by the Brule River right on the border of Wisconsin and Michigan.
Ein, our dear Snappagator, is growing up so fast! I honestly don't know how many times I'm going to say that throughout the course of his life but probably until he's three or four, or until the next puppy. Hans is a big pup so while he'll always be my puppy, it does feel like he's grown up already.
Ein, on the other hand, is smol and is expected to remain smol. But what does his small paws love? Just like big brother Hans, he also loves the snow!
Our boys are definitely loving it! Hans loves to play in snow but he gets enough of it after a few minutes. Granted his fur isn't that thick (and he's so big it's hard to find a good coat), Ein is fluffy and welp, looks like he's a snow dog at heart.
Sometimes city life can get really busy. I mean, I don't really go out especially with everything that's going on and with myself working from home but the city is the city. I don't live in a big city. Oshkosh is pretty much a medium sized city, no sky scrapers or crazy traffic (just every once in a while). There is one thing that is very much treasured by Wisconsinites. It's what they (we) call "Up North".
Up North is the place in the northern part of the state where people go to be with nature. Some people rent places to stay, some go hiking or camping, many go fishing, and many actually have their own land. Luckily for us, we have our own piece of nature to escape to. It's definitely one of my favorite places to go hike or simply just sit on the porch and take photographs. |
Popular TopicsHey, it's me!I've always loved to write. Not saying I'm good at it, but hey this is the story of my life! Things I LovePhotography. Puppies. Arts. Crafts. Cooking. Animals. Makeup. Beaches. Pink things.
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