Ein, our dear Snappagator, is growing up so fast! I honestly don't know how many times I'm going to say that throughout the course of his life but probably until he's three or four, or until the next puppy. Hans is a big pup so while he'll always be my puppy, it does feel like he's grown up already.
Ein, on the other hand, is smol and is expected to remain smol. But what does his small paws love? Just like big brother Hans, he also loves the snow!
Our boys are definitely loving it! Hans loves to play in snow but he gets enough of it after a few minutes. Granted his fur isn't that thick (and he's so big it's hard to find a good coat), Ein is fluffy and welp, looks like he's a snow dog at heart.
Hans has really warmed up to him now, and that's a big win for us. We knew he loved puppies and other dogs but the fact that Ein didn't go home and is here to stay threw him off for quite a while. We are really trying to teach them which bowl is whose but they won't stop exchanging and sharing one bowl so... maybe that one is a lost cause?
I am definitely looking forward for more pupventures for the both of them!
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