Just when I was super excited for this week to come and go, the COVID hits the fam.
It finally happened after three years of evading the monster of a virus, it finally hit Bear and I. I was super excited to work this week because my boss is finally back from his leave. I had to go all mushy and emo about how glad I was, and the following day - dread. Absolute dread! But let me assure you - we are now doing well.
Let me tell you one thing about this tho - I have never felt flu like this ever before. I'm just glad the ordeal went by fast.
Popular TopicsHey, it's me!I've always loved to write. Not saying I'm good at it, but hey this is the story of my life! Things I LovePhotography. Puppies. Arts. Crafts. Cooking. Animals. Makeup. Beaches. Pink things.
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