Fall just arrived, but it feels like winter is already just around the corner. The chilly, crisp air is something I really love, but today's gloom seems to just bring me unjustifiable sadness. It's just so gloomy, which is odd - typically I feel comfort during this weather. Maybe I haven't had enough of summer just yet.
But hey, let's make the most out of it! Because the arrival of fall and winter means new opportunities to take photos. And also more time to craft because we won't be doing activities as much. So what things should I prepare for this season?
The girls are doing great, and finally got to name them. I invited our neighbor, Katie, to check them out and had her name one of them. Now I have my lovely ladies - Phyllis (supposedly a Jersey Giant), Ethel (Easter Egger), and Rose (Easter Egger). I don't think I will be naming the others, the Welsummers all look the same lol. I was told that I should put a foot tag on them, which I do have, but I don't know yet.
Popular TopicsHey, it's me!I've always loved to write. Not saying I'm good at it, but hey this is the story of my life! Things I LovePhotography. Puppies. Arts. Crafts. Cooking. Animals. Makeup. Beaches. Pink things.
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